Contact Information
Church Office
Knoll Drive
We have a large car park in Knoll Drive.
The Church office is able to respond to emails/voicemails:
Mondays & Wednesday - Fridays.
Appointments can be made with the office on a Monday between 9am-5pm or Thursdays 9am-5pm, depending on the reason for the appointment. We ask all who have an appointment with the office to be patient as our Administrator could be anywhere on the premises.
Office Phone: 024 76 692299 Our Admin may not always be available, if not, leave a Voicemail or email below:
Office Email:
Grange Phone: 024 76 417865 (For Pre-school 9am-3pm, Mon-Fri | Except Wednesdays)
We have a number of rooms available for booking - for more details see our room booking page or contact the Office.
Hall Bookings Phone: Church Office 02476 692299
The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St James, Styvechale.
Registered Charity #1131884
Grange Phone: 02476 417865
St James Church
Leamington Road
CV3 6GT - Please click on the map to find directions