Prayers for February 2025

God of life,

We praise you for the beauty of creation, its richness and variety; yet through greed and ignorance, we scar your world with plastic waste and throw so much away. Help us to tread gently on this earth, our common home and breathe your Spirit on us, that we may care more deeply for your Earth. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Prayers for January 2025

Dear Lord,

We pray for Earths healing and protection. Heal our planet from pollution and destruction. May humanity close its eyes to greed and material riches and open its eyes to natural wonders.  Guide all of us as we learn to embrace eco friendly and sustainable lifestyles. Be with all scientists, researchers, climate activists and environmental advocates as they fight for a greener world free from global warming and destruction.

May you save our planet and all the life and beauty it holds..


Prayers for December

Lord, grant us wisdom to care for the earth and till it. Help us to act now for the good of future generations and all your creatures. Help us to become instruments of a new creation, Founded on the covenant of Your love.


Prayers for November

Loving God, Creator of Earth and Heaven,

You are holy.

We are called to build your Kingdom of Peace

Through Justice for the whole Creation.

Nourish us daily through the fruits of the earth

And forgive us our destructiveness of nature,

As we accept its effects upon us.

Help us not to be short sighted

But to live sustainable

Lives without greed.

The World in its glory belongs to You,

Who loves and lets live,

For all time.

Amen                           Martyn Goss   What a world

Prayers for October

Forgive, Oh Lord

The greed that damages tomorrow’s world to comfort today’s;

The laziness that litters tomorrow’s world to ease today’s;

The lack of care that pollutes tomorrow’s world to convenience today’s;

The injustice that deprives tomorrow’s world to enrich today’s;

The stupidity that forgets tomorrow’s world and lives for today’s;

Lord have mercy,

Lord have mercy,

Lord have mercy.    Peter Graystone   What a world